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Bespoke suit

If Tailor Made Suits rank as the most articulate garment in the language of clothes, then it should guarantee sartorial eloquence.

​Today the term "Custom Made Suits" has come to the wide range of manufacturing process. Legitimately a Bespoke Suits involves a specific series of steps with commensurate degrees of quality. 
​A Trublu Tailored Made Suit represents a highest level of authentic bespoke tailoring where craftsmanship is distinguished by its construction and attention to details.
​Wearing something expressly created for ones body and mind is an intoxicating Luxury. Even in today's culture of instant gratification, a large majority of worlds best dressed people still go to the effort of having their Suits Custom Tailored.




Each Client is Different 


Customers live different lifestyles, have different personal Tailored fits and preferences about comfort and style. Your personal Custom-Tailor will get to know you so he can best guide you through the joy of choosing every detail of your Tailored Suit or Tailored Shirt. Select each detail of your garments, from the fabric, to the cut, style, to the buttons, lapel, and lining, and allow our Master Tailor to advice you and bring the fabric to life with all the subtle and unseen details that make Custom clothing Personalised to every detail.

Tailoring process for a suit
Custom made shirt

Tailor Made Shirts

Bespoke Shirt is a flawless expression of our heritage of fine tailoring. Each unique commission is hand-crafted ensuring an impeccable silhouette with superior attention to detail; elegant, refined and incredibly comfortable.

The Bespoke Journey


Your exclusive experience begins with a first appointment with a Bespoke ambassador and your personal tailor, who will walk you through every step of the garment’s creation. The Bespoke tailor will then take your measurements to create a unique pattern adapted to your body.
Once your preferred design features are set, we will create a customized blueprint for the fabric cutting. 
You will meet your master tailor for fittings before your bespoke garment is finalized to ensure that every element is executed to perfection.

Fabrics for selection

The Process

Book Appointment

Book an Appointment with our Master Tailor


Get measured in store or request a virtual appointment for measurements.


We walk you through the latest trends then guide you through our fabrics and styles that suit you best.

Perfect Fit

Our worry-free guarantee ensures you get the fit that you are satisfied with your tailored garments.

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